All too frequently, people with undiagnosed binocular vision dysfunction suffer for years from debilitating headaches, dizziness and nausea, double vision, or similar symptoms with no relief in sight. Often these afflictions are misdiagnosed as a migraine disorder, sinus headache or vertigo, but sometimes the patient’s concerns are simply dismissed. After being told repeatedly by doctors that nothing is wrong, sometimes hearing “I understand” can make a world of difference.
Searching for Answers
As one of the few doctors in the country trained in the Feinberg Method, there’s a link to my office listed on the Vision Specialists of Michigan website. Recently, a patient came to me for help after he came across the link to the Neuro Visual Specialists of New York. He had been searching for four years for an answer to his ongoing dizziness. Doctor after doctor told him that nothing was wrong with him. After being told this so often, it’s a wonder that he didn’t start thinking he was going crazy!
When he came to me and listed his complaints, I immediately began his exam and was able to tell him that he wasn’t crazy – it was just his eyes. He had a distinct vertical misalignment with his eyes, which was what was causing the dizziness. After he was treated at that visit, his dizziness almost completely disappeared, and he finally had the answer he had been seeking for years.
A New Lease on Life
The best part of that visit was the smile and laughter on the patient’s face. The entire staff was smiling as well. He was just so happy when I told him that he was experiencing the same symptoms shared by many of my patients! Receiving validation that this wasn’t a psychological issue made his day.
If you suffer from headaches, dizziness or double vision symptoms, please don’t wait any longer to seek help. Reach out to the Neuro Visual Center of New York at (516) 224-4888 to schedule your neurovisual testing today.
Are any places in nj to go for this test. I recently had an eye exam and the doctor said I do not have this vertigo problem but I have a lot of the systems. He prescribed a less strong presription for glasses. Should I try this first. My primary problem is dizziness.
You can visit the Vision Specialists of Michigan website to see if there is a doctor in NJ.