The Neuro Visual Center of New York
Specializing in the Optometric Treatment of Headaches and Dizziness
My family would always tease me about how clumsy I was. I couldn't even walk in a straight line. This got worse as I got older until I tripped and fell in the subway. I became so nervous to go out because I couldn't walk straight or judge how to step off a curb. I consulted many doctors who diagnosed me with anxiety disorder. I really didn't think I had anxiety disorder at all. I was anxious because I was afraid I was going to fall due to my poor depth perception. I learned about Dr. Debby Feinberg's work from the internet and was excited to learn that Dr. Cheryl Berger Israeloff was trained by Dr. Feinberg herself and she was only a train ride away. Dr. Cheryl understood my problems and was able to diagnosis and treat my vertical heterophoria. I am very grateful.
I was never happy with my vision. I always felt things didn't look quite right. Everyday, I would suffer from eyestrain and tension at my temples. I went to many eye doctors and they all said my eyes were fine. At a routine eye appointment with Dr. Cheryl, I complained about these feelings of strain and eye pain. She asked tons of questions and did the most detailed eye exam that I ever had. She not only tested my vision in each eye but she tested how my two eyes worked together. My problems were caused by a binocular vision disorder that no other doctor ever tested for before! I now have my second set of prism lenses and I can't believe how well I see and how great I feel.
For years I have suffered from migraines and more recently severe neck pain. Dr. Cheryl took one look at me and knew what was wrong. She explained that my neck pain was due to tilting my head to compensate fro my vision deficits. Tilting my head was a way to stabilize my vision but it was taxing my body. She asked me a variety of questions, which ranged from when I experience pain to how I feel in crowds. I would have never known that all of my anxieties in crowded places and my inability to walk in a straight line were all related to my eye condition. During my exam, she had me try on a variety of prism lenses and instantly I felt a difference. The benefits of my prism lenses continued to improve days after my visit. My head was straight for the first time in years, my migraines went away and my neck pain dissipated as I continued to wear my lenses. I am so incredibly grateful to Dr. Cheryl and how she helped my vision and changed my life.
Prior to being treated by Dr. Cheryl, I constantly felt off balance. I had suffered from frequent migraines since I was 12 years old. I often suffered from neck/ back pain, and always felt like I was straining my neck and/or tilting my head to focus on the computer. My family had always noticed that I walked a bit sideways as well, but they attributed that to me being "clumsy". I had awful anxiety about walking down flights of stairs or through the mall, as I always had this irrational fear of falling. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression, as I would tend to avoid social situations where I felt uncomfortable or not in control. At my annual eye exam, Dr. Cheryl asked how my migraines had been. I casually mentioned that I was having dizzy spells and felt off balance. As Dr. Cheryl went through a series of questions, it seemed like she was reading off a script of my symptoms. She started to explain binocular vision dysfunction and asked if I would consider a neuro visual test that may be able to determine if I was a candidate for the type of treatment she was involved in. I was skeptical, but desperate. The tests administered by Dr. Cheryl produced black and white, concrete results. I was blown away by how clear it was that this "visual vertigo" I was experiencing was not only completely legitimate, but treatable. My skepticism disappeared immediately when Dr. Cheryl had me wear a trial pair of glasses with prisms in them. I felt taller, grounded, and completely in control. My glasses have made a tremendous difference in my everyday life. I feel balanced and aware of my surroundings. I no longer catch myself tilting my head while reading through pages of documents on my computer, or tilting my head to get a better view of the TV. It is more than a change in my prescription or a "clearer view," it is an entire perspective change. I have not had a single migraine in 6 months - I am still in shock when I say those words. My dizzy spells have subsided, as well. When I am not wearing my glasses, which is rare, I can immediately feel the difference in my equilibrium. I would never have guessed that all of these symptoms and subsequent issues, were vision related. Dr. Cheryl was 100% supportive and genuinely concerned about my comfort and progress throughout this whole journey. I would, without hesitation, recommend her to anyone that suffers from these symptoms. She is a true life saver and is passionate about investing her time and energy into this growing field.
I never really had headaches before this year, but my balance felt off, I felt crooked. We went to a lot of doctors until my pediatrician said to go to the eye doctor. I suffered academically and socially because the headaches started to get worse and they were constant. They rarely let up. The morning was the worst, I was nauseous every morning. This went on for three months until I came to Dr. Israeloff. We never thought it was my eyes because my eyesight was always fine! What a wonderful surprise to find out there is a name (Vertical Heterophoria) and a cure – a pair of prism glasses. No more headaches. I see better in general. My hand eye coordination improved. I don’t feel sick anymore. The glasses are great! I love my new look!
Unfortunately, I have been suffering from migraines since I was 7 years old. I spent countless hours in doctors' offices trying to resolve this issue but was left unrewarded. I started wearing glasses when I was in elementary school but they did not relieve my headaches. Being an active child, I found that these headaches hindered my ability to participate in certain activities. As the years went on the headaches became more frequent and debilitating, leaving me with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, photosensitivity, and restlessness. On average, I would experience 2 to 3 migraines per week. As an adult, this made a great impact on my performance at work as well as with my college career. I have tried every medication in order to combat my migraines and was disappointed with the results. Being that I have worn glasses for most of my life, I never suspected that my eyes would be the main cause of my headaches. I was already a patient of Dr. Cheryl's prior to my diagnosis of Binocular Vision Dysfunction. When she suggested I be tested for this disorder I immediately obliged, willing to do anything I could to alleviate my headaches. After confirming that I would indeed benefit from inserting a prism in my lenses I was anxious to try them out. I have always lived in a world where my headaches controlled a great amount of my life- until I received my glasses. My headaches decreased significantly and I could not be more grateful. I no longer fear a long day of studying, nor do I avoid engaging in activities that would normally lead me to experience a migraine in the past. Dr. Cheryl has truly made an impact on my life and I will forever be thankful for her perseverance in helping people who suffer from Binocular Vision Dysfunction!
Who, indeed, could have supposed that a mere ocular defect could have given rise to so serious a train of evils….And who that had not seen it, could believe that the correction by glasses of the eye trouble could have given a relief so speedy and so perfect that the patient described it as a miracle?